
Virtualenvwrapper provides a better experience when using Virtualenv.

List environments: $ workon

Create environment:

$ mkvirtualenv <env-name>
$ mkvirtualenv <env-name> -p <path-to-python-version>

Remove environment: $ rmvirtualenv <env-name>

Activate environment: $ workon <env-name>

Deactivate environment: $ deactivate

Bind current directory with an environment, so when the environment is activated with $ workon <env-name> then the shell will automatically cd into the directory:

$ setvirtualenvproject

Installing Virtualenvwrapper

After installation using pip you should:

  1. Set variables:

WORKON_HOME: where new environment files will be installed.

PROJECT_HOME: projects folder to find binded environments.

Add these to the file ~/.profile. You may change the values of .virtualenvs and projects according to your needs:

export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/projects
  1. Source the script:

Add these to the file ~/.bashrc. The value /usr/local/bin/ may change according to where virtualenvwrapper was installed.

if [ -f "/usr/local/bin/" ]; then source '/usr/local/bin/'; fi


Create environment: $ virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/env_name

Activate environment: $ . ~/.virtualenvs/env_name/bin/activate

Deactivate environment: $ deactivate